The Epiphany season ends as it began, the Father declaring "This is my beloved Son." But at the Transfiguration, He also adds, "Hear Him!" Listen to Jesus. Hear His Word. And what Word is that? That He will go to Jerusalem and be handed over, suffer, die and rise the third day.
The notion of Jesus suffering and dying is completely out of sync with what the disciples just saw: The Lord transfigured, shining like the sun, revealing His divine glory. That doesn't look like a God who can get slapped around by the religious leaders. That Jesus can't possibly stand mute before the Roman governor. There' s no way He can be scourged with a whip. Not possible that He could be dead on a cross!
That's why the Father says "Hear Him!" because what they see with their eyes now is not what they will see on Passover and Good Friday. Then it will be the Word which rescues them from despair. It will be the Word in which Jesus told them about what would happen to Him which he repeats to them after His resurrection. It is the Word which creates and sustains faith. That's because it's not just "The Son of Man will suffer." It's "He will suffer and die FOR YOU."
The Father says "Hear Him" also to us, too, who want to see bright, shiny Jesus rather than believe in a God who could suffer and die. It is the Word that rescues us from trying to have a God who could never do such a thing. It is the Word that delivers the Good News that God did exactly that to save you. It is that same Word that delivers that salvation of the dying and rising Jesus at the font and altar. Jesus, true God and true man on the mountain. True God and true man suffering on the cross. Rising from the dead. He did it for you.
O God, who in the glorious transfiguration of Your only-begotten Son confirmed the mysteries of the faith by the testimony of the fathers and who, in the voice that came from the bright cloud, did in a wonderful manner foreshow the adoption of sons, mercifully make us co-heirs with the King of His glory and bring us to the enjoyment of our inheritance in heaven; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. (Collect for the Transfiguration)
The Epiphany season ends as it began, the Father declaring "This is my beloved Son." But at the Transfiguration, He also adds, "Hear Him!" Listen to Jesus. Hear His Word. And what Word is that? That He will go to Jerusalem and be handed over, suffer, die and rise the third day.
The notion of Jesus suffering and dying is completely out of sync with what the disciples just saw: The Lord transfigured, shining like the sun, revealing His divine glory. That doesn't look like a God who can get slapped around by the religious leaders. That Jesus can't possibly stand mute before the Roman governor. There' s no way He can be scourged with a whip. Not possible that He could be dead on a cross!
That's why the Father says "Hear Him!" because what they see with their eyes now is not what they will see on Passover and Good Friday. Then it will be the Word which rescues them from despair. It will be the Word in which Jesus told them about what would happen to Him which he repeats to them after His resurrection. It is the Word which creates and sustains faith. That's because it's not just "The Son of Man will suffer." It's "He will suffer and die FOR YOU."
The Father says "Hear Him" also to us, too, who want to see bright, shiny Jesus rather than believe in a God who could suffer and die. It is the Word that rescues us from trying to have a God who could never do such a thing. It is the Word that delivers the Good News that God did exactly that to save you. It is that same Word that delivers that salvation of the dying and rising Jesus at the font and altar. Jesus, true God and true man on the mountain. True God and true man suffering on the cross. Rising from the dead. He did it for you.
O God, who in the glorious transfiguration of Your only-begotten Son confirmed the mysteries of the faith by the testimony of the fathers and who, in the voice that came from the bright cloud, did in a wonderful manner foreshow the adoption of sons, mercifully make us co-heirs with the King of His glory and bring us to the enjoyment of our inheritance in heaven; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. (Collect for the Transfiguration)